Friday, 24 October 2014

Week Ten

The Dummet is up on Canvas by the way.

1. Why is it that " in one sense we have progressed very little since Frege"? Do you agree?

2. Look at the account Dummet gives of Frege (esp. around pg 89). Do you agree with Dummet?

3. What are the differences between Tascheck's Frege and Dummet's Frege?

4. 'Meaning' and 'theory of meaning' are tricky phrases. Does dummet use them differently to Frege? Look esp. at pg 84 ish and pg 91 onwards.

5. What is the realtionship between the following...
sense of
truth value of
reference of
information convayed by
 a sentence.

6. What are senses? Contrast Dummets view with Russells and Pauls. Which is the most succesful? Why? Which did Frege intend?

7. How rich an answer to qu 6 do we need to give? (eg will 'mode of presentation' be enough?).

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